Organizational Behavior Dersi 8. Ünite Sorularla Öğrenelim
Organizational Structure And Design
Whose studies are guiding principles of modern organizations?
Guiding principles of modern organizations and the term “structure” that we use today frequently to explain features of organizations are the studies of Max Weber.
What is Max Weber's ideal type of state organization?
Max Weber had focused on developing an ideal form of organizing business in state institutions that may help to isolate these organizations from corruption – recruitment and promotion decisions were based on relations of a candidate with the German Dynasty. Weber named this ideal type of organization as “bureaucracy”.
Why was Max Weber criticized?
Weber was criticized because of designing an iron cage for the employees, which, decreases creativity, increases dissatisfaction and demotivation.
What does social structure refer to?
Social structure refers to formal interaction and communication patterns ; hierarchical relations; organization of departments and units ; written rules, instructions and procedures.
What does formalization refer to?
Formalization refers to the number of written documents comprising procedures, job descriptions, regulations, instructions and guidelines.
What is “too much red tape” ?
Too much red tape : is an idiom, which has been frequently used to denote unnecessary paperwork in organizations.
What does hierarchy of authority refer to?
Hierarchy of authority refers to the number of managerial levels in an organization, and it is closely related to span of control – the number of employees reporting to a supervisor.
What does centralization refer to?
Centralization refers to the direction –top or lower level- of decisions in organizational hierarchy.
Why do top-managers transfer their authorities to lower-levels in decentralized organizations?
Top-managers transfer their authorities to lower-levels in decentralized organizations to create a flexible work environment where people can actively involve in decision-making.
Does specialization refer to what?
Specialization refers to the degree to which organizational tasks or work processes are subdivided into separate jobs.
What is horizontal complexity?
Horizontal complexity is a specific term explaining the number of departments in organizations.
What are contextual variables?
Contextual variables are size, environment, technology, culture and strategy.
What does vertical design aim?
Vertical design aims at increasing control over employees and work processes in organizations.
What does horizontal design aim?
Horizontal design approach gives priority to increase collaboration and information sharing among organizational units.
When is organic design best?
Organic design if best for rapid changes.
When is mechanistic design best?
Mechanistic design is best when stable.
When does creativity become more important?
Creativity, innovation and learning became more important in case of rapid changes in the external environment.
What is small batch and unit production?
Small batch and unit production : Some firms produce customized small orders of a specific customer group. Production of these goods requires human craft and it cannot be mechanized.
What is large batch and mass production?
Large batch and mass production : Manufacturing process is based on job simplification and standardization. It progresses through fulfillment of predefined and sequential pieces of tasks.
What is continuous process production?
Continuous process production : There is no direct human involvement to the manufacturing process. All steps of the production are mechanized and they consist of numerous chemical steps. There is no start or stop, manufacturing proceeds in a cyclical manner.
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