Turizm İçin İngilizce Dersi 7. Ünite Özet


Acil Durumlar

Turizm sektöründe ister konaklama tesislerinde ister lokanta, restoran gibi yemek hizmeti sunan tesislerde olsun amaç konukları en iyi şekilde ağırlamak ve onların ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaktır. Bu nedenle turizm çalışanları her koşulda hazırlıklı olmak zorundadırlar. Çok arzu edilmese de zaman zaman acil durumlarla karşılaşmak mümkündür. Konukların kalp krizi, düşme nedeniyle kırıklarının olması gibi ciddi sağlık sorunları olabileceği gibi, paralarının çalınması veya kıymetli bir eşyalarını kaybetme gibi sorunları da olabilir. Dahası tesislerde yangın tehlikesi veya deprem gibi beklenmeyen acil durumlarla da karşılaşılabilir. Bu ünitede acil durumlarda konuklarla yapılacak konuşmaları örnek olaylar yardımı ile irdelemeye çalışıyoruz.

Let Us Read

Turizm endüstrisinde çalışanların her şeye karşı hep hazırlıklı olmaları gerekiyor. Aşağıdaki soru ve cevaplar s. 127-128’de yer alan ve bu konuyla ele olan okuma parçası ile ilgilidir.

Sıra Sizde 1/ Your Turn 1

1..What happens if more training takes place?

Everyone will be safer.

2. In the hotel, who has a specific role to play in an emergency?

Front desk personnel have a specific role in emergencies, especially in the evenings and at night.

3. In the restaurant, who has the critical role in an emergency - the front of the house staff or the back of the house staff?

In a restaurant the front house personnel like the manager, the hostess or the bartender have critical roles in an emergency.

4. In a restaurant, who is in the front of the house?

The manager, the hostess and the bartender, maitre‘d and may be some waiters who only serve customers at the front.

5. In the restaurant, who is in the back of the house?

The cook and his helpers.

6. What type of an accident can happen in a restaurant?

Patron can choke on food, may have a heart attack or fall down.

7. Name a few health related emergencies.

Heart attack, broken bones, asthma attacks, unexpected toothaches or upset stomachs

8. Name a few non-health related emergencies

.Stolen or lost valuable items, money stolen or car accident

9. What is the number to call in case of emergency?

In Turkey it is 112. (Please check the phone numbers for emergencies listed at the end of the unit. Table 7.1)

10. How can a hotel be ready for emergencies?

They should plan and train their staff and be prepared.

How would They Say it?

Konaklama tesisinde pek çok acil durumla karşılaşılabilinir. Ders kitabında s. 129-130’da yer alan konuşmalar bu acil durumlara sadece birkaç örnek. Bu konuşmalarda sorunu ifade eden cümleler şunlar:

Situation 1: Fire Alarm

Otelde olası bir yangın alarmı söz konusu ve konuklardan birisi bedensel engelli.

Guest (to hotel employee) : Can you tell me if the fire alarm is false or real?

Employee : Ma’am we have a situation and you must evacuate your room.

Guest : I understand that but my husband is in a wheelchair. What should I do?

Employee : The elevators are not working in case of fire, so we need to get him down the stairs.

Situation 2: Guest falls and cuts self (head) in the restaurant

Bir restoranda müşterilerden birisi kayarak başını çarpıyor.

Restaurant Employee : Ma’am, are you OK? Customer : I’m not sure. What happened?

Employee : You tripped and fell, and hit your head. Customer : How bad is it?

Employee : It could have been worse. You cut your ear in the fall. We have cleaned your wound. We are waiting for an ambulance to take you to the hospital.

Customer : It’s really starting to hurt. I can’t believe this is happening. I was supposed to meet some friends here for dinner tonight. Now, I’ll probably be on the way to the hospital when they get here.

Situation 3: Down the shaft

Otelde veya herhangi bir turistik tesiste konuklardan birisi kıymetli kol saatini kazara asansör boşluğuna düşürüyor. Guest : I need your help.

Staff : What seems to be the trouble?

Guest : I lost my one-thousand dollar watch.

Staff : I am sorry to hear that, sir. Do you know where you lost it?

Guest : Yes, it fell down the elevator shaft. Staff : How did that happen?

Guest : It was unbelievable. Just as I was getting on the elevator, the watch band broke, and my watch fell through the crack between the door.

A Look at the Language of Emergencies

Aşağıda farklı acil durumlarda kullanılabilecek kalıp cümleciklerden örnekler bulacaksınız.

  1. Talking about medical problems

Sağlık sorunlarından söz ederken çoğu kez have veya to be kullanılır.

I have a headache (a fever, a cold, the flu, an earache, a stomachache, a toothache, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma)

I am ill/sick (cold, dizzy, hot, allergic to asprin, allergic to penicilin, allergic to (names of food) (for example, eggs, milk,strawberry))

Asking for medical assistance:

I need a doctor (a dentist, Pharmacist).

Possible conversations with the staff:

Q: I have a headache, can you give me something for the pain?

A1: I suggest you go the pharmacy. OR

A2: We have a doctor in residence. Why don’t you talk to him? OR

A3: I advise you to go to hospital.

2. Talking about theft

Çalınan eşyalardan bahsetmek ve bu konuda konuklara yol göstermek için kullanılabilecek cümle kalıpları:.

Guest 1: Somebody stole my wallet. Guest 2: My diamond ring is stolen.

Staff 1: We will inform the police right away.

Staff 2: Do you remember when you last saw ——?

3. Losing something

Guest 1: I lost my passport. Guest 2: I lost my hand bag.

Staff 1: Where did you lose it, do you remember? Staff 2: What was inside your hand bag?

Staff 3: I will help you go to police. We must file a report.

4. Talking about other disasters or accidents

Guest : I hear the fire alarm.

Staff : Please, stay calm and evacuate the building. Guest : There was a big explosion.

Staff : There is no cause for alarm. We have called the authorities.

Guest : I was not driving very fast but someone hit my car. Staff : We will call the police. We will also call an ambulance.

Guest : Please, help. Somebody seems to be drowning in the pool.

Staff : Do not worry; our life guard is by the pool.

Sıra Sizde 2/ Your Turn 2_How would you say it?

Aşağıda belirtilen durumlarda konuk olarak çalışanları nasıl uyarırsınız veya bir çalışan olarak konuğa nasıl yanıt verirsiniz?

Guest: (call to hotel front desk) My daughter fell in the bathroom and hurt her leg. I am sorry to hear that. I will send our house doctor right away. OR That is too bad. I will call an ambulance right away.

Guest: (call to front desk) I smell natural gas. Please, stay calm and evacuate the building. OR There is no cause for alarm. The problem is taken care of.

Guest: (call to front desk) I think I have food poisoning. I will call the ambulance right away.

(call to front desk) My husband is having a heart attack! Ma’am, please stay calm. Help is on the way

(call to front desk) I smell smoke. Please, do not be alarmed. There is nothing to worry about.

(at front desk) I have a terrible headache. Where’s the nearest pharmacy?

I can send the house doctor to you right away. I am sure he has medicine to help you.

There’s a fire in the restaurant kitchen. What do you say to the guests? Ladies and gentlemen. We do not want you to panic. We would like you to evacuate the building quickly.

To a guest who has lost his/her plane ticket. There is nothing to worry about. I will call the travel agency right away.

A Look at the Language

İngilizcede kullanılan yardımcı fiillerin kullanım alanları geniş bir yelpazeye yayılır. Yardımcı fiiller çoklukla yetebilmek, olasılık, gereklilik veya tahmin belirten yapılarda kullanılır. Bu ünitede ‘could have’ ve ‘must have’ yapıları üzerinde daha ayrıntılı ek bilgi vermeye çalışıyoruz.

I. Could have +V3

Could have +V3 yapısı, can yardımcı fiilinin have yardımcı fiili ve fiilin üçüncü çekimi yani past participle çekimi ile kullanılan bir yapıdır.

Could have V3 is used to talk about something that we are able to do but did not do. Sometimes this meaning also includes criticism.

I could have studied more for my exam.(but I did not)

Could have V3 yapısını yapabileceğimiz halde yapmadığımız eylemleri anlatmak için kullarınız. Bazı durumlarda bu yapılarda bir eleştiri fikri de bulunur.

Could have V3 is used to guess about something that has happened. They could have seen the thief. (we are not sure)

He could have heard us speak about him.(we are not sure)

Could have V3 ortaya çıkan olmuş bir olay hakkında fikir yürütmek veya tahmin etmek için kullanılır.

Could have V3 is used to guess about something that did not happen. You could have failed your exam. (but you did not) You could have run over by the bus when you ran after it. (but you didnot)

Could have V3 is used to talk about something that is possible to happen in present time or past time.

It’s 6 o’clock. The train could have arrived by now. She could have arrived two hours ago.

Could have yapısı gerek şimdiki zamanda gerekse geçmiş zamanda olasılıklardan söz etmek için kullanılır.

Örneklerimizde olduğu gibi, “Saat 6, şimdiye kadar tren gelmiş olmalı.”

II. Must + have + V3

Did you feel earth quake?

No. It must have been in the middle of the night. (because I did not wake up)

Must have V3 kalıbı elimizdeki verilere dayanarak bir fikir veya tahmin yürüttüğümüzde başvurabileceğimiz bir yapıdır.

III. Should + have + V3

Örnekte de görebileceğiniz gibi should have V3 geçmişteki olaylardan bahsederken kullanılıyor. Ancak, bu olayların özelliği hiç gerçekleşmemiş olmaları.

I should have cleaned my room. (but I did not)

Should have V3 olasılıklardan bahsetmek için kullanılıyor. Tıpkı could have V3 kalıbında olduğu gibi gelecek veya geçmiş zamanda tahmin yapmak için kullanılır.

Our meal should have arrived by now. I think we will get it soon.

Should have V3 ve bu yapının olumsuz hali should not have V3 pişmanlık belirtebilir.

I should not have been late. I am sorry.

Sıra Sizde 3/ Your Turn 3

Yukardaki açıklamalar ışığında aşağıdaki alıştırmayı yapınız.

Apply what was learned above. Rewrite the following sentences, or provide responses using “could have,” “must have,” “sould have”, “should not have.”

Example :

Guest (calling front desk) : “I can’t find my wallet.”

Employee : “You must have left it in your room.”

  1. Bob missed his plane. (must have) He must have been late getting to the airport.
  2. Bob missed his plane. (should have He should have left the hotel earlier
  3. The fire started in the waste basket. (must have) The fire must have started in the basket. Somebody must have thrown a match into it.
  4. The fire started in the waste basket. (could have) We do not know where the fire started. It could have started in the waste basket.
  5. The boy fell and broke his arm while running around the pool. (should not have The boy should not have broken his arm but he was running around the pool
  6. The boy fell and broke his arm while running around the pool. (could have) I am glad the boy did not break his arm. He was running around the pool and he could have broken his arm.
  7. Her jewelry was stolen from her room. (must have) She must have left the door unlocked. The jewelry was stolen from her room.
  8. Her jewelry was stolen from her room.(could have) She was lucky that she put her jewelry in a safe. They could have been stolen from her room.
  9. He cut his hand on the glass. (should have) He cut his hand on the glass, he should have been more careful
  10. He cut his hand on the glass. (could have) He could have cut his hand on the glass if he was not careful.

Sıra Sizde 4/Your Turn 4

Bu derste öğrendiğimiz could/must/should + have + V3 kalıplarının yer aldığı üç şarkı ve sözlerini s. 135’de bulabilirsiniz. Bu sözleri okuyun, anlamaya çalışın ve isterseniz şarkıları internet üzerinden dinleyin.

What would They Say?

Aşağıdaki konuşmalar sağlık sorunu olan bir konukla otel çalışanı arasında geçiyor ve konuğu sağlık sorununu ifade ettiği bölümleri içeriyor. Konuşmanın tam metnini s.136- 137’de bulabilirsiniz. Size yukarıda sunulandan daha farklı kavram ve kalıplar sunuyoruz.

Situation 1: Finding a doctor

Guest : I am not feeling well. I think I have a fever. I feel very very hot.

Staff : Would you like me to call a doctor for you?

Guest : I think it will be a good idea. But would the doctor speak English?

Staff : Certainly ma’am.

Situation 2: Going to the Emergency Room

Guest : I am sorry to call you in the middle of the night, but I need help.

Staff : Of course sir, what is the problem? Guest : I have a very bad stomachache.

Staff : We will drive you to the Emergency Room right away.

Guest : Yes, please.

Situation 3: After visiting the doctor

Guest : I am back. Thank you for your help. Staff : I hope your visit to the doctor went well.

Guest : Yes. I must have caught a virus. He gave me prescription for some tablets.

Staff : I hope you will have a speedy recovery.

Sıra Size 5/Your Turn 5

Sağlık sorunlarını veya farklı acil durumları simgeleyen, s. 137’de yer alan resimlerle ilgili örnek ve öneriler:

1. Guest : I have a terrible toothache.

Staff : Would you like to see a dentist? I can make an appointment for you.

2. Guest : My wife slipped and fell down the stair. Staff : Let me call an ambulance right away.

3. Guest : Please help. There has been an accident. Staff : How did the accident happen? Did you call the police?

Guest : It was not my fault. Yes, I called the police.

Staff : Do you have your driving license with you? Do you have insurance?

Guest : Yes, to both questions.

Staff : Iam sorry about the accident. We will send someone for help.

4. Guest : I think my husband is having a heart attack, please help!

Front Desk : Please stay calm. We will be with right away.

5. Guest : Please help. I cannot find my wallet. Hotel Security : Did you look for it?

Guest : Yes, I checked everything and everywhere. I cannot find it. I went shopping in the morning. Someone must have stolen it from my bag.

Trouble Shooting in Emergencıes-to do List

Bu bölümde size farklı acil durumlarda neler yapılması gerektiği konusunda kısa bilgi aktarmaya çalışıyoruz.

In case of Fire

Fires are one of the most common emergencies that can happen anywhere. If you are a hotel/restaurant employee:

  • You must be prepared for fire. You must have a plan to evacuate your guests. There must be smoke alarms and the exits must be clearly marked.
  • In case of a fire alarm you must remain calm. You must direct your guest to fire escapes and help the disabled. Do not allow your guests to use the elevators.
  • You must get everyone out and make sure that you have called the fire department.
  • You can use the fire extinguisher if you are trained to use it.

In case of a Thunderstorm or Hurricane

  • Try to have all your guests inside the building.
  • Tell your guests to stay away from windows.
  • Make sure that all the outside objects like chairs, tables and etc. are removed.
  • Tell your guests not to use electrical devices.
  • Stay calm and comfort your guests until the storm or hurricane passes away.

In case of medical emergencies

  • Call 112, emergency services or a doctor.
  • Stay calm. Tell your guest that help is coming.
  • Try to help your guest as much as you can.
  • Do not move your guest if it is not necessary.
  • Try to understand the problem such as a heart attack, a head injury, nose bleed, food poisoning, burns, seizure or broken bones.
  • When medical help arrives, try to tell them as much as you can about the guest.

“Things to do and thing to know in case of emergencies when you travel” listesini s. 140’da bulabilirsiniz.

Sıra Sizde 6/Your Turn 6

Yukarıdaki açıklamaları göz önünde bulundurarak bu soruları yanıtlayın.

1. How must a hotel employee act in case of emergency?

They must be calm, and comfort their guests

2. Is it possible to use the elevator in case of fire?

No. it’s not possible to use elevators in case of fire. Do not let your guests use the elevators.

3. Can anyone use the fire extinguisher?

No. Only trained people can use the fire extinguisher.

4. In case of a very bad storm where should the guest stay?

The guests should stay in their rooms, and they must not go near Windows.

5. Is it wise to watch the hurricane from a window?

Never. Hurricanes are dangerous. The window may blow away and the glass can hurt people if they are in front of the window.

6. What number should one call in case of emergency?

In Turkey it is 112. But emergency numbers change from country to country.

7. Is it wise to move the guest when he has broken a leg?

In cases of medical emergency, if you are not trained, it is better to not to move the guest with a broke leg.

8. Where would you put your passport while travelling?

When traveling, you must carry your passport with you and put it in a very safe place in your bag if you are a woman or in an inside pocket if you are a man

9. Why is travel insurance a good idea?

In cases of emergencies, it will be safer to have travel insurance

10. Why must you know the telephone number of your country’s consulate?

When you need help, you can always call your country’s consulate for help.

Useful Information

Okuma parçalarımızda birkaç kez acil sağlık hizmetlerine başvurmak için 112 numaralı telefonu aramaktan söz ettik. Acil servisler için telefon numaraları her ülkede aynı olmayabilir. Örneğin ülkemizde 112 Hızır Acil Servis, 155 Polis İmdat olarak belirlenmiştir. Farklı ülkelerde acil servis veya servisler için kullanılan telefon numaralarından oluşan örnek bir liste s. 141-142’de yer almaktadır. Tıbbi sorunlarla ve doğal afetlerle ilgili sözcük ve bu sözcüklerin anlamlarını içeren liste s. 143’dedir.

Güz Dönemi Ara Sınavı
7 Aralık 2024 Cumartesi