Turizm İçin İngilizce Dersi 4. Ünite Özet

The Cafe And The Bar

The Café And The Bar

Ünitede; kafe ve barlarda kullanılabilecek olası konuşmalar ele alınmaktadır.

Let Us Read

Üç okuma parçası kullanılarak, bir kafe tanıtımı ve kafede geçebilecek olası konuşmalara örnekler verilmektedir.

  • Metin 1: The Sunrise Bistro isimli bir kafenin yeri, atmosferi, açılış-kapanış saatleri, yiyecek ve içecekleri hakkında bilgiler içeren bir tanıtım yapılmaktadır.
  • Metin 2: Kahve içmek isteyen bir müşteri ile garson arasında geçen bir diyalog örneği yer almaktadır.
  • Metin 3: Smoothie sipariş etmek isteyen bir müşteri ile garson arasında geçen bir diyalog örneği yer almaktadır.

A Look At The Language

En sık kullanılan “at, in, on” edatlarının kullanım yerlerine dair bilgiler aşağıdaki gibidir:

“At” is used to point to a specific place or space or time.

“In” is used with months, years, seasons, specific times during the day and periods of time.

“In” is used with geographic places like countries, cities etc., enclosed spaces like buildings or objects, larger areas of space, physical objects like bottles and glasses or boxes and furniture.

“On ” is used with days of the week, dates, and special dates.

“On” is used with objects or things that form a surface like table, paper, clothes or body parts, roads, streets and with right and left.

How Would They Say It?

Bir kafe ve barda geçen dört diyalog kullanılarak, müşterilerle onlara hizmet veren personel arasında geçen konuşmalara örnekler verilmektedir.

  • Diyalog 1: Bir kafede, Türk kahvesi içmek isteyen bir müşteri ile garson arasında geçen diyalog örneği yer almaktadır
  • Diyalog 2: Bir kafede, peynirli sandviç ile kahve sipariş etmek isteyen bir müşteri ile garson arasında geçen diyalog örneği yer almaktadır.
  • Diyalog 3: Bir barda, viski içmek isteyen bir müşteri ile barmen arasında geçen diyalog örneği yer almaktadır.
  • Diyalog 4: Bir barda, eşi ve kendisi için içki sipariş etmek isteyen müşteri ile barmen arasında geçen diyalog örneği yer almaktadır.

A Look At The Language Of Cafes And Bars

Bir kafe veya barda kullanılan olası konuşma kalıplarından örnekler aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Waiter/barman taking the order :

“What would you like to have?” (Both café and bar)

“What are you having?” (More in a bar)

“What can I get you?” (More in a bar)

“What is your pleasure?” (More in a bar)

  • Customer may order or ask a question :

“I’ll have a glass of white/red wine.”

(In a bar) “I would like pint/bottle of beer.”

(In a bar) “I like a glass of orange juice.”

(In a café or bar) “I’d like hot chocolate.”

(In a café) “What would you suggest?”

“Do you have any specialties?”

“Do you have any wine?”

  • Waiter/barman asking for some more information about the order :

“Would you like ice with that?” (Both cafe and bar)

“Would you like to start a tab?” (In a bar)

“Would you like that on the rocks?”(In a bar)

  • Customer giving the waiter/barman extra information :

“No ice for me.” (Both café and bar)

“Straight up / No ice no mix” (In a bar)

“I would like a double please.”

(In a bar)

  • Ordering or asking for something to eat :

“Do you have any snacks?” (In a bar)

“What kind of sandwiches do you have?”

(In a café)

“I would like some nuts please.”

(In a bar) “Some potato chips will be nice.”

(In a bar)

  • After the drinks or food is served the waiter/barman may ask :

“Would you like another?” (More like in a bar)

  • Customers may reply :

“Another round please.”

“I am okay.”

“Nothing for me thank you.”

  • Very important phrases for a bartender or a server in a bar should know :

“Do you have a designated driver?”

“Can I call a cab/taxi for you?”

“I’m sorry sir, but I don’t think you should drive. Let me call a taxi for you.”

  • When you want to leave a tip for the barman :

“Keep the change.”

“This/That is for you.”

Trouble Shooting – Sorun Çözme

Garson ile huysuz ve ne istediğini bilmeyen bir müşteri arasındaki sıkıntılı bir durumu anlatan bir diyalog örneği verilmektedir. Diyalogda özetle; içeceğini vanilyalı istediği halde karamelli istediğini söyleyen müşteriye, garsonun nezaket içerisinde hizmet etmeye devam etmesi konu edilmektedir.

Useful Information

Çay, kahve ve içecekler konusunda verilen yararlı bilgiler aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Tea

According to the legend, about 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor, Shen Nung, who was interested in plants and herbs, was sitting under a tree. His servant gave him a glass of boiled water and some leaves from the tree fell into this glass. Instead of throwing it away, the emperor tried to drink it and liked it. The tree was Camellia Sinensis, and the drink that came from its leaves is what we call tea today. Tea spread to the world from China. The words for tea also come from two different Chinese dialects. Mandarin and Cantonese: Cha and Amoy te. Tea is a soft drink. It is prepared by pouring hot boiling water over the tea leaves. Tea is one of the most widely drunk beverages. Tea comes from a bush/plant called Camellia Sinensis.

There are teas that do not come from tea leaves. They are called Herbal Teas. Herbal teas are made from dried fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, roots or spices. They are mixed with hot water for a short time. There is a great variety of herbal teas such as chamomile (papatya), linden tea (ıhlamur), cinnamon (tarçın), sage (ada çayı), rosehip (kuşburnu), lemon, apple, strawberry or mint, etc.

  • Coffee

Just like tea, coffee also has a story of its beginning. In Cofa, Ethiopia, a shepherd named Kaldi noticed that his goats were very lively. They were dancing from one small tree to another. They were eating small red berries. He ate some of these red berries himself. He, too, like his goats was dancing and felt very energetic. The red berries contained the coffee beans. At the beginning, in Africa, they ate the coffee beans. From Africa coffee beans spread to the Arabian Peninsula. There, the Arabs roasted and boiled the coffee beans. It became a favorite drink. From there coffee spread all over the world. Different types of coffees and their descriptions are as in the following:

Espresso: Hot water mixed with coffee under pressure. Strong coffee without milk.

Cappuccino: Coffee that combines steamed milk. Chocolate is put on the top.

Coffee Late: Coffee made with steamed milk.

Mocha: Espresso coffee with hot chocolate and steamed milk.

Americano: Coffee and hot water.

Decaf: Coffee contains caffeine. Coffee with reduced caffeine is called decaf.

Half caf: Coffee drink made half decaffeinated and half caffeinated coffee beans.

Extra shot: When making coffee, it is measured in shots. Therefore, extra shot means who want very strong coffee.

Soy: It is coffee latte made with soy milk.

Non-fat: It is coffee with milk. However, the milk used has less fat in it-it is called skimmed mild.

Iced coffee: It is any kind of coffee served with lots of ice, a cold drink.

Irish coffee: It is coffee with whiskey and cream. Sometimes sugar is added. Turkish coffee: Finely ground coffee mixed with cold water and cooked over slow fire with or without sugar.

  • Something to drink

A good bar has a good stock of materials to mix or create good alcoholic or nonalcoholic drinks:

Liquors: Gin, Vodka, Rum, Whiskey, Wine, Tequila, Cognac and of course Beer.

Fruits: Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Pineapples, Strawberries, Limes, Bananas, Cherries.

Fruit juices: Apple, Cranberry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Pineapple and Tomato. Liqueur: There are many different types of liqueurs, to name a few: Cointreau (Orange), Amaretto (Almond), Crème De Cacao (Chocolate), Crème De Menthe (Mint), Kahlua (Coffee).

Mixers: Lemonade, Cola, Cream, Eggs, Milk, Soda, Tonic, Water, Coffee, Tea, etc.

Others: Ice, Cinnamon, Olives, Salt and Pepper, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce.

Here is a list of a few non-alcoholic drinks: Arnold Palmer: Iced tea and lemonade.

Cassius Clay: Red fruit punch and iced tea.

Cinderella: 2 oz. Club Soda, 1 dash grenadine, 1 oz. lemon juice, orange juice, and pineapple juice.

Nada Daiquiri: A daiquiri made without any liquor.

Dolce & Gabbana: A drink consisting of diet Coke and grenadine syrup.

Muddy Water: Cola and orange juice. Phil Collins: 7-Up with Lemonade as opposed to Tom Collins which is alcoholic.

Shirley Temple: Sprite and grenadine syrup, often with orange juice. Here is the list of some popular alcoholic drinks:

Mojito: Rum, Lime juice, sugar, soda water.

Long Island Iced Tea: Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Gin, cola, lime or lemon peel.

Cosmopolitan: Vodka, lime juice, cranberry juice.

Margarita: Tequila, lime juice, salt.

Sangria: Red wine, sugar, slice of lemon, slice of orange, thin slices of apple, brandy, soda water.

White Russian: Vodka, coffee liqueur, light cream. Tequila Sunrise: Tequila, orange juice, grenadine.

Screwdriver: Vodka and orange juice. Martini: Gin, Dry Vermouth, green olive.

Bloody Mary: Vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, lime.

Strawberry Daiquiri: Strawberry schnapps, rum, lime juice, powdered sugar, strawberries.

Black Russian: Coffee liqueur, vodka. Tom Collins: Gin, lemon juice, sugar, club soda, cherry, orange slice.

Vocabulary – Sözcükler

Ünitenin konusu çerçevesinde kullanılabilecek olası sözcükler; türleri ve açıklamalarıyla birlikte aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • İçkiler nasıl yapılır

Add (v): to join or to unite

Fill (v): to put in as much as possible

Mix (v): to combine or blend into one unit

Pour (v): to empty from a container

Shake (v): to move something back and forth

Stir (v): to move slightly

  • İçki ısmarlama sözcükleri

Chilled (adj): cold

Double (adj): double the liquor; two shots of liquor in one drink

Neat (n): without ice On the Rocks: with ice

Tall (adj): means in a bigger glass

Top shelf: means premium; the very best With a twist: usually adding lemon to the drink With salt: putting salt on the rim of a glass

  • Başka faydalı sözcükler

Beverage (n): drink Black coffee (adj+n): coffee without milk

Booze (n): alcoholic drink

Bottle opener (n): a kitchen tool used for opening bottles

Cocktail (n): an alcoholic drink mixed with fruit juice

Coffee maker (n): a machine that makes coffee automatically

Condiment (n): types of sauces added for flavor

Corkscrew (n): a tool used to remove the cork from a wine bottle Designated driver (adj+n): a person in a bar or a party who does not drink so that he can drive other people

Free refills (adj+n): drinks that are renewed without any cost

Gratuity/tip (n): money given to the waiter or bartender as an extra to say thanks for the service

Happy hour (n): a short period of time in a bar when the alcoholic drinks are cheaper

Last call (n): last chance for someone to order an alcoholic drink before everything closes

Liqueur (n): an alcoholic drink with a sweet taste

Over charge (v): to ask for more money from a customer (sometimes by mistake)

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7 Aralık 2024 Cumartesi