Turizm İçin İngilizce Dersi 1. Ünite Özet

At The Hotel


Ünitede; genel anlamda bir otel tanıtılarak, konuklarla ön büro elemanları arasında yapılabilecek konuşmalardan örnekler verilmektedir.

Let Us Read

The Lighthouse Inn isimli hayali bir otelin tanıtım örneğinde; Marmaris’teki bir aile oteli olan The Lighthouse Inn oteli, otelde ön büro hizmetlerini yürüten Yasemin ve Cem tarafından tanıtılmaktadır.

Metinde; otelin konumu, otele ulaşım, hizmetler, imkânlar ve iletişim bilgilerine dair detaylar bulunmaktadır.

How Would They Say It?

The Lighthouse Inn çalışanlarından Yasemin ve Cem’in konuklarla yüz yüze veya telefonda yaptıkları konuşmalardan örnekler sergilenmektedir.

Konuklarla yapılan konuşmalar üç olay üzerinden örneklendirilmiştir:

  • Situation 1: Bir konuk telefonda Yasemin’e otelle ve otele ulaşımla ilgili bilgi sorar.
  • Situation 2: Bir konuk yelkenli kiralamakla ilgili sorular yöneltir.
  • Situation 3: Bir konuk lokanta ile ilgili sorular sorar.

Bu olaylar bağlamında, konuklardan gelmesi muhtemel sorular şu şekilde sıralanmaktadır:

  • Where can I park my car?
  • What time is lunch served at your restaurant?
  • If I don’t have a car, how can I get to Marmaris?
  • What entertainment is there in the evening?
  • How can I go sailing in this area?
  • What will I see from my balcony?
  • Are reservations accepted at your restaurant?
  • What’s on the menu for dinner tonight?
  • Isn’t smoking banned in restaurants in Turkey?
  • How do I get the shuttle back here from Marmaris?

A Look At The Language

Turizm sektöründe sıkça rastlanan kalıp ve cümle türlerinde yardımcı fiillere sıklıkla rastlanır. ‘Modal verbs’ adı verilen bu yardımcı fiillerin kullanım alanları oldukça geniştir. Kullanım yerlerine göre de farklı anlamlar ifade edebilirler. Olasılık, gereklilik veya tahmin yürütmeden, izin isteme veya kibar ricada bulunmaya kadar farklı farklı kullanımları bulunmaktadır.

Birkaç yardımcı fiil, aynı işlev için kullanılmaktadır. Aralarında sadece ince farklılıklar vardır. Bu ince farklılıklara rağmen, hangi yardımcı fiilin kullanılacağı ve bu ince ayrımlar bu aşamada önemli değildir.

Bu yardımcı fiiller ve kullanım alanları aşağıdaki gibidir:

I. Can - Could

a. We use the modal verb can to express ability in present. Could is the past form of can and is used to express ability in past. (Yeterlik / Yetenek)

b. Both can and could are used in polite requests, asking for permission and asking someone to do something or polite offers / suggestions. Could is used in more polite forms. (Kibar rica, İzin ve Öneri)

c. Can and could are also used to talk about possibility and impossibility. (Olasılık)

II. Must – Have to

a. Must is used to show that there is a strong obligation or necessity. (Güçlü zorunluluk / Gereklilik)

b. Must is used to talk about possibilities that we are certain about or something that we know is very very true. (Doğruluğundan emin olunan olasılık)

c. Have to is not a modal verb. It is grouped with must because its use is very similar to that of must which is used to express obligation or necessity. (Zorunluluk / Gereklilik)

III. Should

a. Just like must, the modal verb should or should not are also used to express obligation, duty or correct behaviour. (Mecburiyet, Görev ve Doğru / Doğru olmayan davranış)

b . Should and should not are used to express expectations. (Beklenti)

IV. May – Might

a. May is used to express possibility. (Olasılık)

b. May is used to ask for permission or to give permission (Kibar rica, İzin isteme ve İzin verme)

c. Might is usually used to express possibility but it can also be used to ask for permission and to make suggestions. (Olasılık, İzin isteme ve Öneri)

Trouble Shooting – Sorun Çözme

Konukların şikâyetlerini veya sorunlarını gidermek otel yönetiminin görevlerinden birisidir. Bu konu, iki örnek olay üzerinden Yasemin ve Cem’in konuklarla yaptığı konuşmalar doğrultusunda ele alınmaktadır:

  • Situation 1: Bir konuk otele telefon ederek otele ulaşım konusunda bilgi ister.
  • Situation 2: Amerikalı bir konuk otelde getirmiş olduğu saç kurutma ve traş makinalarını kullanamadığı için sorun yaşar.

Konuklarla yapılan konuşmaların başarıya ulaşmasında en büyük pay doğru bilgiyi onlara aktarmaktan geçer.

Konuğa mümkün olduğu kadar çok ve sorduğu soruya doğrudan yanıt veren bilgiler vermek çok önemlidir.

Yukarıda bahsi geçen iki olay bağlamında, konuklardan gelmesi muhtemel sorular şu şekilde sıralanmaktadır:

  • What time should I arrive at the Dalaman airport?
  • Which meals are available at your restaurant?
  • I want to book a room, but can’t climb too many stairs.
  • We would like to do some sailing in the area.
  • We want to make a day trip to Marmaris, but don’t want to drive.
  • What happens if we arrive before check-in?
  • What kind of view do the rooms have?
  • I want to make a reservation for a family of four.
  • How can I make my razor work in the room?
  • Why can’t I use my hair dryer in my room?

A Look At Language Of Hotels

Hotel Omm isimli gerçekte varolan bir otelin internet sitesinden alıntı yapılan ve otel ile ilgili bilgiler veren “Welcome to Hotel Omm” isimli bir tanıtım metninden yola çıkarak, otel tanıtımı ile ilgili gerçek bir örnek verilmektedir.

Useful Information

Farklı konaklama tesislerinin İngilizce açıklamaları ve sınıflamaları aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Well known hotel types

Airport hotels: Usually close to airports serving customers who may stay only for one night and who are looking for a place near the airport.

Motels: Hotels for people who travel with their car and need a place to stay near the main roads.

Bed and breakfast: Usually family owned businesses that offer breakfast and not too many comforts.

Mountain or Seaside Resort Hotels: These hotels are built on mountains or by the seaside for holiday guests.

Conference hotels : These are usually large hotels in the cities good for large meetings.

Holiday villages: Large complexes built in large areas consisting of small cottages or apart hotels.

Timeshare: These are usually like holiday villages where the owners stay at specific times and share the ownership of the building.

  • Specialty hotels

Boutique hotels: Small specialized hotels built in a unique environment. Some of these hotels are well known for specific events. Most of them contain luxury facilities. Some are very home like and offer home comfort.

Historic inns or hotels: Some hotels become famous through history because they have hosted a historically specific and significant event or an important person.

Eco hotels: These are hotels that make improvements in their environment and pay attention to ecological factors.

Jail hotels: These are former jail houses that are used as hotels.

Thermal or Spa Hotels: They are built around thermal springs and mostly used for health reasons or recreation.

  • Unique hotels

Botels: These are boats that serve like a hotel. They may be large or small and they may have different size rooms.

Capsule hotels: They are types of hotels that are developed in Japan. They contain very small rooms - capsules. They provide cheap usually one night accommodation. They look like stacked boxes.

Cave hotels: They are built in natural cave formations and they may have rooms underground.

Ice and Snow hotels: These hotels are completely built from ice or snow. They are not permanent because when summer comes they melt. Therefore they must be built again and again every year. In these hotels everything is made out of ice.

Treehouse hotels: Some hotels are built on trees. Trees are used in their constructions.

Underwater hotels: These hotels have their rooms underwater.

  • Record breaking hotels

Some record breaking hotels are listed as in the following: According to Guinness World Records, the oldest hotel is the Nisiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Yamanashi, Japan. It has been operating since 705 AD.

According to Guinness World Records, the largest hotel is the First World Hotel in Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. It has 6,118 rooms.

According to Guinness World Records, the tallest hotel is the Rose Rayhaan by Rotana hotel in Dubai, UAE. It is 333 meters tall from ground level to the top. The hotel consists of 482 rooms in more than 72 floors.

Vocabulary – Sözcükler

Ünitede kullanılan bazı kelimeler; türleri ve anlamlarıyla birlikte şu şekilde sıralanmaktadır:

Accommodation (n): providing what is needed; travel related services like lodging, food and services

Ample (adj): plentiful, many

Arrangement (n): to put things into an order

Construction (n): to arrange or connect separate pieces

En suite (n) : the combination of bedroom and bathroom in a hotel

Hire (v): to get some person to do work for payment

Inquiry (n) : to ask for information

Lodging (n) : a place to live; a temporary place to stay like a hotel

Lush (adj): luxurious; a lot of plants

Priority (adj) : something or someone that comes before anything or anybody else

Quaint (adj): charming, picturesque, interesting

Reception area (n) : the desk where the quests are met for the first time

Shuttle (n): a small bus or a car, sometimes even a train that travel back and forth at specific times

Spectacular (adj): impressive, large scale

Vibrant (adj): activity; exhibiting a lot of energy

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7 Aralık 2024 Cumartesi