Business Finance 1 Dersi 6. Ünite Sorularla Öğrenelim

Risk And Return

1. Soru

What is the relationship between risk and return?


Historical financial data reveals a relationship between risk and return: the higher the risk, the higher the returns.

2. Soru

How many components does the return of stocks have?


Typically, the return on stocks has two components: dividends and capital gains.

3. Soru

Since when has the Turkey's stock exchange been operating?


Turkey’s stock exchange has been operating since the late 1980s.

4. Soru

What kind of statistics can we use to evaluate the performance of different investment alternatives over time?


We can use the arithmetic average (mean) to measure the expected value and the standard deviation to represent the volatility or dispersion around that expected value.

5. Soru

What is risk-free return?


Risk-free return is the rate of return that investors require to invest in risk free investments in that environment. The short term T-Bill rate is usually used to measure it. The Risk premium is the return in excess of the risk-free rate that investors require to compensate for the risk of an investment.

6. Soru

How can the statement of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) be explained?


In an (informationally) efficient market, prices fully reflect all available information. In such a market it should not be possible for market participants to consistently earn excess returns, beyond the return appropriate to investments of that level of risk. Two important parts of the EMH definition that we should pay more attention to are “fully reflect” and “all available information”.

7. Soru

What does the weak form of the EMH mean?


Weak form of the EMH states that all information contained in past prices is fully reflected in prices. If weak-form efficiency holds, it should not be possible for investors using information from past price changes to obtain consistent excess profits. Chartists and other technical analysts are engaging in useless activities.

8. Soru

What should the investors take into account while deciding on an investment?


When deciding on an investment, investors should take into account not only their expected returns and risk levels, but also possible interactions/ co-movements with other securities.

9. Soru

How many states are there in economy?


There are three states of economy: Depression, normal and boom.

10. Soru

What are the steps of calculating the covariance between Compatible and Divergent?


The first step in the calculation is to calculate their differences from their relative means (Rct - Rc ) and (Rdt - Rd ), and multiply them with each other for each state of the economy. Second, taking a weighted average of these terms gives us the covariance. When both returns tend to be above or below their relative averages at the same time, then the covariance becomes positive, and negative when they tend to diverge.

11. Soru

What does a positive covariance mean in calculation results?


A positive covariance means that whenever the returns of Compatible are above its average, it is also likely that the return of Divergent would be above the average.

12. Soru

What does a positive correlation mean in the calculation results?


A positive correlation means that the investments will tend to have high or low returns at the same time.

13. Soru

What would happen if the returns of Compatible and Divergent were perfectly positively correlated?


If the returns of Compatible and Divergent were perfectly positively correlated then the standard deviation of portfolio becomes the weighted average of standard deviations of the individual securities.

14. Soru

What is the expected return?


The expected return, sometimes referred to as normal return, is the return that would be realized if everything relevant to the value of the company goes as expected.

15. Soru

What are the unexpected returns? Give some details.


Unexpected returns are the result of new unexpected information arriving to the market during the period which changes some of the factors we believe are pertinent. 

Some examples of relevant new information arriving to the market could be things like:

  • Announcement of the latest growth rate of the economy

  • Large swings in the value of the national currency

  • Announcement of a new contract to sell large quantity of products to another country

  • News of a large accident at the factory

  • Announcement of a new facility being built that will significantly increase the production capac-

    ity of the company

16. Soru

What is systemathic risk?


Market, portfolio or systematic risk is the uncertainty inherent to the market that cannot be controllable.

17. Soru

What is the unsystematic risk?


The diversifiable, unique or unsystematic risk is the uncertainty that is related to the invested asset. Therefore, unsystematic risk can be reduced through diversification whereas systematic risk cannot.

18. Soru

What is the capital market line (CML)?


The Capital Market Line (CML) is the line that connects the risk-free asset with the market portfolio, where the line is just tangent to the efficient frontier on an expected return/ standard deviation graph.

19. Soru

What does Capital Market Line (CML) depict?


The CML depicts the trade-off between risk and return for diversified (efficient) portfolios. relationship between the expected returns of efficient portfolios subject to standard deviation of a market portfolio and risk-free rate.

20. Soru

What is Capital Asset-Pricing Model?


Capital-Asset-Pricing Model is a model describing the relationship between the systematic risk of a security, namely beta, and expected returns. As long as the market risk premium is positive, higher beta value bring higher returns.

21. Soru

What is the difference between Security MarketLine and Capital Market Line?


The difference between Security Market Line
and Capital Market Line is that: on CML we are considering a portfolio that is composed of a risky assets plus a risk-free asset, and all the efficient points on this line denotes the expected return and standard deviation of this combination.

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18 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi