Mathematics 1 Dersi 4. Ünite Sorularla Öğrenelim

Exponential And Logarithmic Functions

1. Soru

What are the basic properties of the exponential function ax for a >1?


1. Domain of the exponential function ax is (-?, ?),
2. Range of the exponential function ax is (0, ?),
3. The exponential function ax is increasing,
4. As x goes to minus infinity, ax approaches zero.

2. Soru

For a > 1, what fundamental properties does the logarithmic function loga x have?


1. Domain of the logarithmic function loga x is (0, ?)
2. Range of the logarithmic function loga x is (-?, ?)
3. loga x is an increasing function.

3. Soru

For 0 < a < 1, what fundamental properties does the logarithmic function loga x have?


1. Domain of the logarithmic function loga x is (0, ?),
2. Range of the logarithmic function loga x is (-?, ?),
3. loga x is a decreasing function.

4. Soru

What is natural logarithmic function?


The logarithmic function with base e is called the natural logarithmic function and is denoted by lnx = logx, x > 0

5. Soru

What is common logarithmic function?


The logarithmic function with base 10 is called the common logarithmic function.

Bahar Dönemi Ara Sınavı
19 Nisan 2025 Cumartesi
  • 45Gün
  • 06Saat
  • 16Dakika
  • 37Saniye
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