Business Information Systems Dersi 3. Ünite Sorularla Öğrenelim

Information Systems Development And Management

1. Soru

What is the purpose of the feasibility study?


The purpose of the feasibility study is to investigate likelihood of the system development project. At the end of the feasibility study, project plan and estimated budget of the project are obtained. During the feasibility study, generally, a pre investigation is conducted on the system. At this stage, considering the sources and constraints of the business, it is decided whether or not it is feasible to solve the problem.

2. Soru

How would you explain the technical feasibility?


To explain the technical feasibility, you should think about the technical risks and technical potentials of the system which are investigated. In order to find out technical details to develop information system, management must search for the answers of the questions such as: Do we have adequate technological capabilities to build this system? Is our present technology competent to employ this system? Is it possible to realize system development project with the existing equipment, software, and personnel?

3. Soru

What is the operational feasibility?


The operational feasibility is, in general, the new system which is designed for faster access and effective sharing of information. In this step, the questions must be answered such as: Is the suggested system suitable to the structure of the business? Will it be operable after the development? Will the users resist to the new system? Will the administration support the project? Is the performance of the proposed system higher than the performance of the existing system? Where will your business be located?

4. Soru

How many groups can system requirements be classified into?


System requirements can be classified into three groups. These are functional requirements, nonfunctional requirements, and environment requirements.

5. Soru

Which questions are asked to determine the functional requirements?


To determine the functional requirements, the following questions are asked:

• What capabilities can the new system offer to the users?

• Which data should be collected and stored?

• What is the expected level of the performance?

6. Soru

What does the analyst seek, to learn the details of the existing system’s  functions?


The analyst seeks the answer to the questions such as: who (who uses the system), what (the activities of the business), where (the place where the product will work), when (scheduling), and how (the existing work processes).

7. Soru

What is the important information obtained from the interviews?


Goals, informal procedures, feelings and opinions are important information obtained from interviews.

8. Soru

Which behaviors are the key points for a successful observation activity?


The following behaviors are the key points for a successful observation activity:

• Determine who, what, where, when, why, and how of the observation.
• Receive permission from managers.
• Inform those who will be observed.
• Take notes during or immediately after the observation.
• Review observation notes with appropriate individuals.
• Don’t interrupt individuals at work.
• Don’t make assumptions.

9. Soru

What are the advantages of the surveys?


The followings are the advantages of the surveys:
• Surveys can be answered very quickly.
• It is a relatively cheap data collection technique from many people.
• Surveys allow the respondents to be anonymous. Therefore, people may answer the question as they want rather than the answers that the employers wish.
• The answers could be quickly tabulated and analyzed.

10. Soru

What are the survey types?


There are two types of surveys: Free format and fixed format.

Free-format surveys give more flexibility to the user in answering the questions.

Fixed-format surveys allow the respondent to choose among the pre-prepared choices. This causes easy tabulation of the answers but cannot provide to  receive additional answers that might be useful.

11. Soru

What is the discovery prototyping used for?


In general, discovery prototyping is used for the areas where the requirements cannot be determined. For this reason, many desired function and quality guarantees may be ignored.

12. Soru

What are the disadvantages of the discovery prototyping?


The disadvantages of discovery prototyping are as follows:

• Developers must be educated about prototyping.
• Users may develop unrealistic requirements by considering the performance, reliability and properties of the prototype. Prototypes only imitate the functional-ity of the system, thus naturally it is not complete. Users must be educated about this and misdirections must be prevented.
• Construction of a prototype may lengthen the system development process and may increase the cost of development activities.

13. Soru

What are the transition straregies?


Giving up the old system and starting the new system requires a careful planning and setup activity. Transition strategies are realized in four different ways depending on the degree of giving up the old system.

Transition strategies are: parallel, pilot, phased, and direct. These strategies smooth the effects of new information system on corporate work processes.

14. Soru

What does the System Support include?


The System Support includes technical support given to the system users in case of system failures and maintenance services for any failure or when new requirements arise.

15. Soru

What is service purchase?


Service purchase is the system acquisition alternative which requires minimum internal resource. In this approach, the formation or supply of the system is given to an outside supplier, developer, or service provider. This approach has become very common in recent years. For this purpose, there are many service provider companies.

16. Soru

What are the information system development models?


There are many models that implement analysis, design, development,  installation, operation and maintenance processes of SDLC of Business Information Systems with different approaches. These models support the development of information systems in different application areas with appropriate system analysis and implementation tools. With these models, it will be possible to decide the order in which the SDLC processes will be implemented, and which model will be more suitable for the business information system development, regardless of how the software is procured.

17. Soru

What does The Agile Model use?


The Agile Model uses an increasing approach to determine, design, develop, and deploy system requirements. When the system requirements change in general during the development process, the Agile Model is one of the most appropriate approaches. In the Agile Model, a working software is given to the customer quickly and new and changing requirements are included in the advanced iterations. The aim here is to reduce the long-time documentation and give all the effort to system development.

18. Soru

What are quality management tools?


They are the means of analyzing and controlling the compatibility of the system models, their definitions, their features, the integrity of the design, the consistency with the applied development process rules and definitions.

19. Soru

What are Project Management Tools?


Project management tools are activities such as; planning, estimating and assigning resources, creating a timesheet, tracking and controlling progress according to project time and budget. These activities overlap with system development model phases. The project management tools support the project manager’s activities to improve the information system with the requirements, timing and budget given, and help in reporting.

20. Soru

What are the roles of Application Development Environments?


With the application development environments, programs can be developed more simply and efficiently. In addition to the standard programming languages and compilers, some additional features have been added to the application environments as follows (there may be different additional features in different application development environments). These are;

  • User Interface (UI) Design software:
  • Network connectivity and Database middleware software:
  • Testing tools:
  • Version control software:
  • Help Authoring tools:

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21 Şubat 2025 Cuma