Introduction to Business Dersi 4. Ünite Sorularla Öğrenelim

Managing Human Resources

1. Soru

What does Human Resource (HR) refer to?


Human resource (HR) refers to the workforce within an organization responsible to perform certain duties assigned by the management for achieving organizational goals.

2. Soru

How could Human Resource Management be defined basically?


Human resource management (HRM) consists of all the activities involved in acquiring, maintaining, and developing an organisation’s human resources.

3. Soru

What is strategic human resource management?


Strategic human resource management is the linking of the human resource function with the company’s strategies to achieve organizational goals. 

4. Soru

Can any HRM program succeed without the managerial support of managers at different levels?


Without managerial support, HRM programs cannot succeed. Therefore, human resource managers need to understand clearly how to communicate their policies and procedures to other units of the organization.

5. Soru

What should managers do to overcome the environmental factors influencing organizations and human resource management? 


Managers should be aware of the business environment for opportunities and threats affecting human resources and be prepared to react quickly to these challenges. 

6. Soru

What are the trends shaping human resource management? 


Globalization, increased competition, deregulation and increased indebtedness, technological innovation, more high-tech jobs, more service jobs, more knowledge work, an aging workforce, economic crises, slower economic growth in many countries are the trends shaping human resource management.

7. Soru

What are external environmental factors affecting Human Resource Management?


External environmental factors affecting HRM are workforce and demographic trends, government regulations, and economic challenges and trends.

8. Soru

Considering the internal environmental factors affecting HRM, what can an organisation do to achieve a unified organizational culture?


Every employee carries his/her cultural background to the organization. Firms should train and educate their work force to achieve a unified organizational culture.

9. Soru

What is the starting point of human resource management activities to get the right people? 


Human resource management starts with planning which is the development of strategies to meet a firm’s future human resources requirements.

10. Soru

What are the steps followed in human resource planning?


Carrying out a job analysis, forecasting demand, forecasting the supply human resources and matching the demand and supply of human resources are the steps that are generally followed.

11. Soru

What is 'Job Analysis'? 


Job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing specific jobs in an organization. 

12. Soru

What type of information does human resource management demand from job analysis?


The type of information gathered from job analysis could be listed as; selection, performance appraisal, training and development, job evaluation, career planning, work redesign, and human resource planning.

13. Soru

What is 'Job Specification'?


A job specification is a document containing the minimum acceptable qualifications that a person should possess in order to perform a particular job.

14. Soru

What is the first Human Resource planning activity?


The first human resource planning activity requires forecasting labor demand. Labor demand determines how many and what type of employees the organization needs in the future. 

15. Soru

When does a skills inventory become a very useful tool?


A skills inventory, which is also called human resource information system, is a computerized databank containing information on the education, skills, and experience of all present employees.

16. Soru

What are the advantages of external recruitment?


New “blood” brings new perspectives, cheaper and faster than training professionals, no group of political supporters in organization already and may bring new industry insights are the advantages of external recruitment?

17. Soru

What are the steps in the selection process?


Preliminary screening - Employment interview - Employment test - Reference check and background investigations - Physical examination - Selection decision 

18. Soru

What does the acronym “SMART” stand for?


Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Realistic - Time-bound 

19. Soru

What are the key objectives of 'Compensation' for companies?


The key objectives of the compensation system for a business organization are retaining the best employees, motivate employees to perform at higher levels, and have the company achieve its strategic goals.

20. Soru

What are some of the benefits that are required by law in Turkey?


In Turkey, some benefits defined by the law are funeral, birth and marriage benefits, duty travel allowances, mobile duty compensation, paid vacations, severance pay, unemployment insurance, medical leave, dismissal pay or collective payment in the form of severance pay.

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18 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi