Turizm İçin İngilizce Dersi 6. Ünite Özet

Local Sight Seeing

Where to Go

Tatilimizi planlarken nasıl bir tatil istediğimize göre kararlar veririz. Ne tür tatil yaparsak yapalım, gittiğimiz yerlerde tarihi, farklı ve ilginç yerleri gezmeyi ve görmeyi isteriz. Bu ünitemizde, Üniversitemizin bulunduğu Eskişehir’den yola çıkarak bazı kalıp cümlecikler ve olası konuşma örnekleri sunuyoruz.


Your Turn 1/Sıra Sizde 1

Local sightseeing certainly needs no description for places such as Istanbul or Kuşadası or Pamukkale. However, there are many unique, less-popular towns, villages, and islands around Turkey with local attractions that draw visitors from far and wide. These may be natural wonders, man-made, or even a mixture of both. A prime example of this “off the beaten path” tourism is Seyitgazi, in the countryside outside of Eskisehir. This rural village has a history reaching back to 3500 BC. During the Ottoman Empire, Seyitgazi was an important stopping point between Istanbul and Baghdad. Another example is Bozcaada, a small island in the Aegean Sea, near Çanakkale. According to one well-known travel guide, it is “one of Turkey’s best kept secrets.” The island has beautiful beaches, fantastic winding narrow streets, and the rugged remains of a mysterious fortress, whose exact age no one knows. The island also has an intriguing wine industry that has experienced considerable growth in recent years. It is locations such as Seyitgazi and Bozcaada that are not on the route of the average tourist, but still worth seeing. In fact, because these locations are still not very popular, they may be more attractive than the more famous points on the tourist’s map.

1. In the first sentence above, what “needs no description” mean?

The sentence is talking about İstanbul and Pamukkale. Everyone knows something about İstanbul or Pamukkale. Therefore, there is no need to describe them. Needs not description means something, someone or someplace is really well known.

2. In the second sentence, what does “draw” mean?


3. In the next sentence, what does “These” refer to?

‘These’ refers to many unique places, less-popular towns, villages and islands around Turkey. In other words, the places mentioned in the second sentence.

4. In the same sentence, what does “both” refer to?

The sentence is “These may be natural wonders, manmade, or even a mixture of both.” Both means two things combined. In this sentence a combination of natural wonders and man made wonders.

5. Why was Seyitgazi important during the Ottoman Empire?

It was on the road to Baghdad.

6. What is “one of Turkey’s best kept secrets”?

Bozcaada is one of Turkey’s well kept secrets. ‘A well kept secret’ means something a few people know about and do not talk about.

7. “No one knows” what about Bozcaada?

No one knows the age of the fortress in Bozcaada.

8. What has happened in recent years on Bozcaada?

Wine industry developed and grew in recent years.

9. What is “not on the route of the average tourist”?

There are well known places everyone knows how to go. Most tourist follow a pattern that is used by everyone. When a place is not on the route of the average tourist that place is not visited by many tourists

10.What do you think “off the beaten path” mean?

Far away from places that tourist or people usually visit.

Your Turn 2/Sıra Sizde 2

Verilen konuşmadan ne anladık? (s. 110-111)

1. What does a day trip mean?

When a you can complete a trip in one day, it is called a day trip. For example, if you can go to Ankara from Eskişehir in the morning and come back late afternoon, it is a day trip

2. Who is Seyitgazi?

Seyid Gazi is an Islamic saint and a war hero.

3. How far is Yazılıkaya from Eskişehir?

Yazılıkaya is fortyfive kilometers south of Eskişehir. It takes about an hour and a half to go there.

4. Why does concierge suggest that guest visit Odunpazarı?

Because it is the old part of Eskişehir and there are many interesting houses and shop located in Odunpazarı

5. What is meerschaum?

It is a white mineral mined only in Eskişehir. Pipes made out of meerschaum are very popular.

A Look at the Language

Herhangi bir ziyaretçi veya turist ile onlara hizmet veren otel personeli veya onlara yardım etmeye çalışan kişilerin soru veya yanıt kalıplarından örnekler:

Questions about asking for suggestions or information:

Do you have any suggestions/recommendations on places I (we) must visit in —?

Do you have any suggestions/recommendations for things to do in —— ?

Do you have any suggestions/recommendations for historical places to visit?

I am running out of ideas, where should I go to shop for a nice gift?

Hello, I would like to get some information about ——.

Can I recommend some nice, authentic local shops? How far is ——— from here?

How long does it take to go —— from here?

Asking for Directions:

Could you tell me how to get to ——.

Do you know where the ————- is?

I am looking for this —————-(this address OR name of a place, street..)

Is this the right way to ————?

Can you give me directions to ———?

How do I get to ———— from here?

What is the best way to go to ————-?

What is the shortest way to get to ————?

Making suggestions:

————— is definitely worth visiting.

You really should (need to) pay a visit to ———.

There are some nice places to visit . However, they are not anywhere near here. If you’d like to have a general idea about the city, why don’t you take a guided tour?

I would suggest/recommend that you go to —— to shop for authentic gifts. ————-is not very far away from here.

———— is a short walk from here. There are no busses (the metro does not get here) but you can take a taxi. It takes only a couple of minutes to get to ——————- from here.

There are some nice concerts, and plays that you can go to.

Giving directions;

Go straight ahead and turn left/ right.

Take the first/second turn to your left/right.

It is near/next to/between/opposite to ———.

You are going the wrong way, you must turn —.

Continue for about a kilometer, you will see ———— after that keep going until you get to ———- (giving directions to someone who is driving)

If you take the next right/left then walk about a block you should be there.

It is a five minute walk, but the walk is up hill.

If we do not know the answers:

I am sorry, I don’t know.

I am sorry, I am not from around here.

Kullanabileceğiniz sıfatlardan bazıları:

Local, Wooden, Interesting, Traditional, Wonderful, Intriguing, Tremendous, Soft, Historical, Brilliant, Fascinating, Intricate, Two-lane, Hilly, Small, Tiring, Beautiful, Relaxing, Old

How would You Say it?

Your Turn/ Sıra Sizde 3

Bir turist size aşağıdaki soruları yöneltiyor. Hem konuşma hem de kalıp cümlecikleri göz önünde bulundurarak bu soruları yanıtlamaya çalışın.

1. I have two hours to go gift-shopping. Where should I go?

If you have only two hour to shop, I suggest you go to Atlıhan (Kapalıçarşı-Town Center) for authentic gifts. It is not very far away from our hotel.

2. Where is a unique place to drink some Turkish tea or Turkish coffee?

There are nice cafés in town center (by the river, by the sea) where you can get tea or coffee.

3. Where is a nice place to go for a walk?

There is a park by the river (you can take the paths in the forest). I am sure you will enjoy the scenery.

4. Are there any nice forests or gardens nearby where I can go for a walk?

There are not gardens or forests where you can go for a walk near the hotel but if you take a taxi to town center I am sure you will enjoy your walk along the River Porsuk.

5. I have half-a-day tomorrow. Are there any historic sites I can visit?

There is a fortress that you can try. But it is a difficult climb. OR We have museums that you can visit. OR There are two historic mosques that you would like visiting.

6. Is there a place nearby where can I listen to some traditional music?

There is a nice music bar around the corner where you can listen to traditional Turkish music.

7. Is there a traditional food that I should eat while I’m here?

In Eskişehir, we have çibörek that is authentic to our city. But you can go to any kebap house and have some traditional Turkish kebap.

8. Are there any holidays or festivals that I should be here for?

We have Rose Festival (Strawberry Festival, Independence Day) but unfortunately this is not the right time.

A Look at the Language of Giving and Receiving Directions

Bu ünitemizde pek çok yer ve yön tarif etmemiz gerekti. Size bu konuda yardımcı olacak kalıp cümleciklerden ve deyimlerden örnekler:

Step 1: Finding out about places you may need to go

Question types:

Excuse me. Is there a bank (a metro station, a tram stop, a bus stop, a railway station, a car park, taxi stand, book store, hospital, restaurant) near here?

Excuse me. Is there a post office on İstiklal Street?

Different answers:

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

Over there, near the police station.

It’s the first on the right. The book store is on the right.

The bank is on the left.

It’s between the post office and the cafe. In front of the shopping centre.

It’s behind the taxi stand.

It’s next to the car park.

It’s across the street.

I am afraid I don’t know.

Sorry, I don’t live in this city.

I am sorry, I am a stranger myself

Step 2: Asking for directions for the place you want to go

Question types:

(Excuse me.) How can I get to……..?

(Excuse me,) can you tell me the way to………?

(Excuse me.) Where is the bus stop?

(Excuse me.) Can you tell me the way to the Castle?

How can I get to Ortaköy (Galata Bridge, the metro station the Old Town Square, Topkapı Palace, İstiklal Street)?

Where is the nearest hotel (post office, beach, café, bakery)?

Different answers:

(İlk örneğimizde uzun bir tarif yapmamız gerekiyorsa ilk önce ve sonra gibi sıralama zamirlerinin nasıl kullanılabileceğinin örneklerini veriyoruz.)


Go down the street. / Go up the street.

Go straight, to the traffic lights,

Turn left and walk till you get to the traffic lights.

Go up the street. Walk three blocks up/down.


Turn right.

Turn left.

Take the first on the right (on your right).

Take the second on the left (on your left).

It’s the biggest/smallest (tall, red) building on the left.

Final sentences:

You’ll see (find) post office in front of you. You can’t miss it.

Step 3. Asking about the distance:

Question types:

Is it far from here?

How far is it from here?

Different answers:

If it is near:

No, it isn’t far.

Just a few minutes on foot.

No, it isn’t very far. You can walk there in ten minutes.

10 minutes by car/on foot.

5 minutes walk.

It’s no distance at all.

If it is far:

Well, it is quite far. You’d better take a tram (take a bus, go by tram, go by bus, a taxi)

It is not near, you can take number 5 bus (take Opera tram and change at Kızılay), then get off at ------

Trouble Shooting

Your Turn 4/ Sıra Sizde 4

Write short responses to help a tourist with the following problems:

1. Directions from your hotel to the nearest post office.

Turn left; go two blocks then turn right. You will see the post office.

2. Directions from your hotel to the nearest pharmacy.

There is a pharmacy right across the street.

3. My car has a flat tire.

I can call a garage for you. They will fix your tire.

4. “There is nothing to do around here.

” That is not true. If you would like history, there is a museum; if you like shopping we have some very nice authentic shops; if you like to party, I suggest the disco at the hotel.

5. Can you help me find a local tour guide?

We have a resident tour guide at the hotel.

Useful Information

Bu bölümde okulunuzun da bulunduğu Eskişehir’i sizlere kısacık tanıtmaya çalışacağız. Benzer bir şekilde siz de kendi kentinizi tanıtmaya çalışabilirsiniz.

Let’s talk about Eskişehir

A little history: The fertile and peaceful lands between Sakarya and Porsuk rivers were home to many civilizations since the Stone Age. The history of Eskişehir runs from Hittites to Phrygians, to Greeks, Romans and Byzantium, and finally Ottomans. Eskişehir houses many myths and legends.

Eskişehir today: Today, Eskişehir is a province located at the crossroad of railways and high ways. The city is a modern city worthy of young Turkish Republic.

Where to go? There are several things to do and see in Eskişehir. The Ottoman–style houses, Kurşunlu Mosque complex (1515) and Atlı Han located in Odunpazarı, the old town, the Porsuk River with its cruise boats and gondolas, theme parks of Sazova and Kentpark in the city and ruins of ancient Phrygian cities and temples outside the city.

What is in Eskişehir? Eskişehir is a prosperous city. Due to its location many investors like to start their business in Eskişehir. Its prosperity comes from the railroad and its factories: TÜLOMSAŞ (the only locomotive engine factory), TUSAŞ (aircraft parts and engine factory), sugar factory (one of the first established in the Turkish Republic), brick and tile factories, ETİ ( biscuit and food factory) and the strategic Turkish Air Force training base.

What to buy? When we talk about Eskişehir, it is necessary to mention Meerschaum. Meerschaum is a soft white stone which is mined in the Eskişehir province. The mineralogists call meerschaum sepiolite. It is lületaşı in Turkish.

Learn about prominent people from Eskişehir:

Yunus Emre: If you go to Eskişehir, you will find the name Yunus Emre used in many places. The main campus for Anadolu University is called Yunus Emre Campus, there are several streets called Yunus Emre and many buildings. So who is Yunus Emre that takes so much attention in Eskişehir? It is not easy to describe Yunus Emre in a short paragraph. Yunus Emre was a sufi mystic, a poet, a troubadour and a very influential philosopher. He has influenced Turkish literature and an outlook to life for the last seven hundred years.

His main concern was spiritual beauty adorned with eternal love of God, friendship, tolerance and love of humankind. His idea of God advocated that God was everywhere within each of us thus in every human being. Therefore, to Yunus Emre, love of God and love of humanity were one and the same, as his poem demonstrates.

We love the created

For the Creator's sake

This humane poet, mystic, dervish, call him what you like is still appreciated by the Turkish people. His words are quoted, his poems turned into hymns are still sung and his teachings have gone beyond the borders of his home country. The fact that UNESCO celebrated 1991 as the year of Yunus Emre is proof of his world wide popularity

Nasreddin Hodja: Hortu village in Sivrihisar township within Eskişehir is the birth place of yet another prominent historical character. Nasreddin Hodja. It will not be wrong to say that there are few people who have not heard of Hodja, as he is lovingly referred to by the Turks. This 13th century trickster, philosopher, pedagogue has been known for his quick wit, great humor and his ability to find answers to problems and dilemmas humans face each day. Nasreddin Hodja and his jokes are known not only in Turkey but throughout the world. He is referred to with different names in the Islamic world.

Every year there is a Nasreddin Hodja Festival where artists paint, draw and act in his honor. His jokes and stories are told today by people of different countries and in many different languages. And he is still capable of making us laugh and think.

Here is a story that Hodja has told 700 years ago and is still valid. The story starts as most Hodja stories does… “One day Hodja was invited out to a wedding feast. He went to the feast with his daily clothes and nobody talked to him or offered him food. So he went back to his house and put on his fur coat. When he came back, everybody greeted him with respect and was offered plenty of food. When he started to eat, he started talking to the sleeve of his coat,”Eat my coat, eat!” When the host and others asked him what he was doing, he said; “A few minutes ago, I was here with my daily clothes. Nobody noticed me. But when I put my fur coat on, I got your attention and respect. My coat got all the attention and respect, so it is my coat who should eat the food.”

There are many other things to talk about Eskişehir. But you can find information that interests you in many different web sites.

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