Turizm İçin İngilizce Dersi 5. Ünite Özet

Amenities And Facilities

Amenities and Facilities

Çoğu kişi tatil için kendisine bir konaklama yeri ararken, o kurumun kendisine ne tür imkânlar sunduğunu, ne tür ek tesisleri olduğunu ve kalacağı odasında ne tür ücretsiz hizmetlerin bulunduğunu araştırır. Bu bölümde otellerde veya konaklama kurumlarınca sunulan hizmet ve imkânları anlatmanın olası sözcük dağarcığı ve kalıpları üzerinde duruyoruz.

Reading 1

When vacationers are making choices about hotels, one of the most important factors is the quality and quantity of amenities and available facilities. There are certainly different amenities for different target audiences. For example, there are active, or high-energy vacationers, who always want to be doing something that will keep them moving- such as exercise rooms, pools, and outdoor sports. There are also the sedentary or low-key visitors who also like activity, but they want to watch someone doing that activity. That is, they don’t want to be the ones who are actually doing the activities. The amenities that best suit this target population are places to eat, drink, relax, and watch entertainment. Finally, there are the families, who can be a mixture of high and low energy. Maybe the kids want non-stop activity, but the parents want to take it easy. A perfect example of such a location is the Sea Turtle Holiday Village in Kemer. The Sea Turtle has something for everyone. There is a spa with a Turkish bath, indoor and outdoor exercise facilities, two swimming pools, one twelve-person Jacuzzi, four bars, two restaurants, three cafes, a supervised play area for children under seven, a wide selection of water sport opportunities - from kayaks to jet skis - plus nightly live entertainment. Guests can also join organized morning runs and bicycle tours, or afternoon yoga classes. The list of amenities offered by vacation hotels is growing each year, and the guests are greatly benefitting from these.

Your Turn 1/ Sıra Sizde 1

  1. What is one criterion that vacationers use to choose a place to stay? They check the facilities and amenities a hotel offers.
  2. What does “target audience” mean? The patrons or customers who will come to the hotel.
  3. What types of vacationers are described in the reading? Three kinds of vacationers are described: the energetic vacationers; calm sedate vacationers and families who go on a vacation together.
  4. Describe the active vacationer. An active vacationer will go outdoors, exercise, go for walks and swim.
  5. Which group is looking for places to eat, drink, and relax? The calm, low-key vacationers will not want to be active.
  6. What types of amenities do families generally look for? They look for activities and facilities for their children.
  7. Sea Turtle Holiday Village is a “perfect example” of what? Sea Turtle Holiday Village is a good example of a hotel or holiday village that is good for families.
  8. Every year, what are guests benefiting from? The guests benefit from facilities that the hotels offer more and more.

Reading 2

What do hotels offer? Many hotels like to call themselves a home away from home. Therefore, they must offer a comfortable and safe environment for their guests. As a hotel goes from one star to five stars, the amenities and facilities available for its guests increase in quality and quantity. However, as a standard feature each hotel room must have a nicely made clean bed, if it is en suite, a clean shower, clean towels, a television and a telephone, a closet for hanging clothes, a hairdryer and an iron. The complimentary toiletries such as shampoo, hair conditioner, soap and other cosmetics are almost standard in each room. Of course, if there is a nice sitting area with some comfortable chairs, a desk to write on, may be a mini refrigerator that is called mini bar with drinks and snacks, you would be adding to the amenities the hotel is offering. An in room coffee or tea maker might just be what the guests need after a long day outside. As the hotel goes up in the star scale the hotels offer more and guests request more such as “in room internet access” and ‘free Wi-Fi’. In the past only the business men travelled with their computers. These days families and even romantic couples do not leave their computers at home. Free Wi-Fi helps guests keep in touch with their business or friends. “24-hour room service” might be what some people who really want their comfort and like their breakfast early in the morning or their dinner after a long day to be served in their room need. A hotel may offer a swimming pool, a sauna, number of restaurants and a business center or even a casino to their guests for their use and enjoyment. The list of facilities is endless. Here is the list of facilities Beverly Hilton Hotel offers to guests.

Your Turn 2/ Sıra Sizde 2

  1. What are some of the standard amenities in a hotel? A clean bed, a shower, clean towels, a television, a telephone and a closet for hanging clothes.
  2. Name some of the toiletries that can be found in a hotel room? Shampoo, hair conditioner, soap and some other cosmetics like moisturizers.
  3. What is in a mini bar? A mini bar is a small refrigerator.
  4. Why do people like to have in room internet access? Especially businessmen like to contact their partners or offices while travelling or people like to be in touch with their friends.
  5. Why would some people like to use room service? They may be too tired to eat outside.
  6. Give examples of facilities a hotel may have? Swimming pool, exercise rooms, a sauna, a number of restaurants or a business center where they can get internet service.
  7. Beverly Hilton Hotel says that they have multi lingual staff. Why is that important? It is nice to meet someone who speaks your language when you arrive at a hotel.
  8. Can you think of other types of facilities a hotel can offer other than the ones mentioned in this reading passage? Horseback riding, wind surfing or cliff climbing.
  9. Name some of the facilities that may be around a hotel? Historical sites or natural wonders.
  10. In your opinion what is the most important amenity in a hotel? A clean room. (This question is very personal, give your own answer)

Vocabulary I

  • Banquet, Meeting & Conference Facilities: Ziyafet, Toplanto ve Konferans İmkanları
  • Hair Salon/Barber: Kuaför/Berber
  • 24 hour Room Service: 24 saat Oda Servisi
  • Handicapped Access: Engelli Erişimi
  • Airport meet-and-assist (extra charge): Havaalanında Karşılama ve Asistanlık (ekstra ücretli)
  • Jacuzzi/Whirlpool: Jakuzi /Girdap Havuzu
  • Babysitting service (extra charge): Çocuk bakıcılığı hizmeti (ekstra ücretli)
  • Limousine service (extra charge): Limuzin hizmeti (ekstra ücretli)
  • Bar/lounge: Bar /Lobi § Multi-lingual Staff: Birden çok dil bilen Personel § Boardroom: Toplanto odası
  • Pet Friendly Boutique/Gift Shop: Evcl Hayvanla Girilebilen Butik/ Hediye Dükkanı
  • Private Dining Room: Özel Yemek Odası § Business Center: İş Merkezi
  • Sauna: Sauna
  • Club/Concierge Level: Kulüp/ Konsiyerj (Otellerde Misafir Karşılayan Kişi) Seviyesi: (Concierge level hizmeti sunan bir otelin özel hizmet ve imkanlar sunan bütün bir katı ya da katın bir bölümü vardır. Fiyat otele göre değişir ancak standart fiyatın % 50’si kadar fazlasını ödemeniz beklenebilir.)
  • Security: Güvenlik
  • Concierge: Konsiyerj, Fransızca kökenli bir kelime olup, aynı zamanda büyük otellerde müşterinin otel dışındaki iş ayarlamalarını yapan birimin adıdır.
  • Spa: Spa
  • Fitness Center/Gym: Spor Merkezi/ Spor Salonu
  • Steam Bath: Buhar Odası
  • Golf nearby: Yakında Golf
  • Swimming Pool – Outdoor: Açık hava yüzme havuzu
  • Grand Ballroom: Büyük Balo Salonu
  • Weddings & Celebrations: Düğünler & Kutlamalar

Your Turn 3/ Sıra Sizde 3

Otelin tesis ve hizmetleri konusunda sorulabilecek sorular:

  1. Entertainment tonight Is there live entertainment tonight?
  2. Evening activities for our children Does your hotel have evening activities for our children?
  3. Water sports for children Do you have any water sports activities for children?
  4. Water sports supervised Are the water sports for children supervised?
  5. Swimming pool. Is there an indoor swimming pool?
  6. Spa. How late is the spa open in the evening?
  7. Restaurants. Are there restaurants that we can order from late at night?
  8. Jacuzzi Can our children use the Jacuzzi?
  9. Lessons for water skiing Do you have instructors for water skiing?
  10. Morning activities  I get up early in the morning. Do you organize morning activities?

A Look at the Language

Bu bölümde bağlaçlardan örnekler göreceğiz, bu ünite kapsamında kullanabileceğimiz bağlaçlar üzerinde duracağız:

A conjunction is a word that connects other words, groups of words, Bağlaç sözcükleri ya da sözcük gruplarını bağlayan bir sözcüktür.

1. There are coordinating conjunctions that combine two equal or similar parts. İki eşit ya da benzer parçayı birleştiren birleştirme bağlaçları (coordinating conjunctions).

Most common ones are and, but, or... En yaygın olarak kullanılanlar and, but, or…

And: It is commonly used to join two similar ideas or entities. İki benzer fikri ya da varlığı birleştirmek için kullanılır.

The hotel has a sauna and a tennis court.

But: It is commonly used to join to contrasting ideas. Genellikle iki zıt fikri birleştirmek için kullanılır.

The hotel is cheap but it is far from the center of town. It is also used to mean except; The bar serves all the drinks but beer.

2. Another group of conjunctions are subordinating conjunctions (yantümce bağlacı). The conjunctions join two clauses. Bu bağlaçlar iki yantümceyi birleştirir. A clause is a group of words which consists a subject and a verb.

Although I like the hotel, it is very expensive.

Subordinating conjunctions can show contrast or cause and effect. Yantümce bağlaçları zıtlık ya da neden/sonuç gösterebilir.

Some of the most common subordinating conjunctions that indicate contrast of ideas are: although, whereas, while... Fikirlerin zıtlığını gösteren en yaygın olarak kullanılan bağlaçların bazıları şunlardır: although, whereas, while... Although the hotel has many facilities, they do not allow pets.

While the XX hotel has a swimming pool, YY hotel has a sauna.

XX hotel is near the sea, whereas YY is far away.

Some of the most common subordinating conjunctions that indicate cause and effect between ideas are: because, since... Fikirler arasında neden/sonuç ilişkisi gösteren en yaygın olarak kullanılan bağlaçlar şunlardır: because, since...

I don’t like XX hotel because it is not very clean. Since YY hotel is far from the seaside, I don’t want to stay there.

3. The last group of conjunctions we will talk about is the c orrelative conjunctions. (bağıntılı bağlaçlar) A correlative conjunction consists of a pair of conjunctions. either ..... or : I will either go to Antalya or Marmaris for vacation.(giving choices) neither ..... nor : XX hotel has neither a swimming pool nor a sauna. (negative meaning) not only ..... but also : XX hotel not only has a swimming pool but also a sauna.(positive meaning)

Your Turn 4/ Sıra Sizde 4

Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunction: and, but, although, while, because, either…or, neither …or, not only but

1. I wanted more towels and some shampoo from the housekeeping.

2. I do not like people smoking around me while I am eating.

3. The hotel has not only an outdoor pool but also indoor pool as well.

4. I do not want any dessert because I am full.

5. Although the hotel has five restaurants, I still asked for room service.

6. We ordered something cold to drink and some sandwiches.

7. Neither the receptionist nor the concierge could find my lost luggage.

8. My children Ahmet and Ayşe both wanted to go the pool but it was closed.

9. We stayed and extra night because we really wanted to go to the concert.

10. It rained all the time but we did not leave the concert.

A Look at the Language Used for Talking about Facilities

Otel müşterilerinin hizmet ve tesis sorarken ve otel personelinin onları yanıtlarken kullanabilecekleri kalıplara örnekler: How to ask about amenities and facilities: İmkanlar ve tesisler hakkında nasıl soru sorulur?

Where can we (find, see) —— ?

I am looking for (restaurant, shopping center, historical site, book store) ——.

Do you know where I can find (restaurant, shopping center, historical site, book store) —— ?

Could you recommend a (restaurant, shopping center, historical site, book store) —— ?

Is there a ........... in the hotel?

How to answer these requests: Bu sorulara nasıl cevap verilir?

You might want to try (give a name of a place)

Well, one of my favorite places is (give a name of a place) You may enjoy (shopping, visiting, seeing, going to...) —. I would highly recommend (give a name of some place) —

We have .......

Your Turn 5/ Sıra Sizde 5

Aşağıda üç ayrı otelin sunmuş olduğu tesis ve hizmetler listesini bulacaksınız. Bu listeleri dikkatli okuyarak aralarında en an üç farklı hizmetin neler olduğunu bulmaya çalışın. ( s. 96-97)

  1. Whale watching’ - Las Ventanas al Paraiso
  2. ‘Croquet Lawn’ – Grey Cliffs Ranch
  3. ‘Kids Club’ – Conrad Koh Samui Resort and Spa

There are other differences, these are just examples, read carefully and find out more for yourself. Başka farklılıklar da var, bunlar yalnızca örnekler, dikkatli bir şekilde okuyun ve kendiniz daha fazla farklılık bulun.

Vocabulary II

Beach Club/Service: Plaj Kulübü/ Hizmeti

Boat Rental (extra charge): Tekne Kiralama (ekstra ücretli)

Butler service: Butler (kişiye özeli uşak hizmeti) hizmeti

Doctor on call: Nöbetçi Doktor

Fishing (extra charge): Balık tutma (ekstra ücretli)

Horseback Riding (extra charge): At Binme (ekstra ücretli)

Kayaking/Canoeing: Kano sporu

Pre-Arrival Coordinator: Varış Öncesi Koordinatörü

Private Pools: Kişiye Özel Havuzlar

Sailing: Yelkencilik Swimming Pool - Infinity Pool: Yüzme HavuzuSonsuzluk Havuzu (havuzun bittiği yerle karşınızdaki manzaranın ufuk çizgisinde birleşiyormuş hissi verdiği havuz türü)

Tennis Court(s): Tenis Kortları

Water Sports: Su Sporları Whale watching (seasonal): Balina izleme (mevsimlik)

Golf Course on property: Mülkte Golf Sahası Kids Club:

Çocuk Kulübü Breakfast Complimentary: Ücretsiz Kahvaltı

Croquet Lawn: Kroket Alanı

Helipad: Helikopter Pisti

Hiking: Doğa yürüyüşü

Hot thermal springs: Termal Kaplıcalar

Private Check-in: Kişiye özel otele giriş kayıtı

Safari / Wildlife viewing: Safari/ Yabanyaşam izleme

Security: Güvenlik

Shooting: Atıcılık

Skiing: Kayak yapma

Star gazing: Yıldız gözleme

Water Sports: Su Sporları

Wi-Fi - Complimentary in-room: Odada ücretsiz kablosuz internet bağlantısı

Winter Sports/Activities: Kış Sporları /Aktiviteleri

Trouble Shooting - Sorun Çözme

Your Turn 6 / Sıra Sizde 6

Konuk şikâyetlerine verilebilecek olası yanıtlar:

1. A guest is complaining that there are not enough towels in the room. Misafir odada yeteri kadar havlu olmadığından şikayet ediyor.

I will talk to the housekeeping right away. OR I will have the housekeeping bring more towels to your room.

2. A guest thinks that the pool is cold. Misafir havuz suyunun soğuk olduğunu düşünüyor. It is a very cold day outside, it could be the reason.

OR Our pool is heated but there is a technical problem. It will be warm soon.

3. The children are unhappy that there is not a game room. Çocuklar oyun odası olmadığı için mutsuz.

The game room is in the basement, I think your children might have missed it. OR I am sorry we do not have a game room, but we have quite a nice video room for children.

4. A guest complains that his TV is broken. Msafir televizyonun bozuk olduğundan şikayet ediyor.

Which room are you in? I will have the technical staff come to your room right away.

5 . A guest complains that the food at breakfast was not enough. Misafir kahvaltıda yiyeceklerin yeteri kadar olmadığından şikayet ediyor.

We never had such a complaint, sir but you can always ask for more food.

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