Turizm İçin İngilizce Dersi 3. Ünite Özet

In The Restaurant

Lokanta - Restoran

Ünitede; bir restoranın tanıtımı için kullanılabilecek kalıplar, müşterilerin yiyeceklerini veya içeceklerini ısmarlarken ve restoran personelinin onlarla konuşurken kullanabilecekleri kalıplara örnekler, bir restoranda mutfakta neler olduğu ve eğer müşterilerden şikayetler gelirse onlara nasıl yanıtlar verilebileceğine dair konular ele alınmaktadır.

Let Us Read

İstanbul’da bulunan The Mezgit Balık Restaurant isimli bir deniz ürünleri lokantasının tanıtım metni örnek olarak ele alınmaktadır.

Metinde; restoranın yeri, rezervasyon bilgileri, yemek çeşitleri ve iç dekorasyona dair detaylar bulunmaktadır.

How Would They Say It?

Restoran çalışanlarının konuklarla yüz yüze veya telefonda yaptıkları konuşmalardan örnekler sergilenmektedir. Konuklarla yapılan konuşmalar, üç olay üzerinden örneklendirilmiştir:

  • Situation 1: Restorana ilk kez gelen bir konuk.
  • Situation 2: Telefonda masa ayırtmaya çalışan bir müşteri.
  • Situation 3: Yemek sonrası.

Bu olaylar bağlamında, konuklardan gelmesi muhtemel sorular şu şekilde sıralanmaktadır:

  • Do you have vegetarian dishes?
  • Is there a dress code?
  • What would you recommend to drink?
  • Is the restaurant busy on Saturday nights?
  • We have an 8:00 o’clock reservation.
  • I would like some Turkish coffee, please.
  • May I have the check please?

A Look At The Language

Restoran tanıtımlarında kullanılan sıfatlar “en iyi” veya “daha iyi” şeklinde kullanılmaktadır. Nesneler, kişiler veya objeler birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldıklarında benzerlikleri, farklılıkları veya üstünlükleri anlatılır. Bu durumlarda İngilizcede karşılaştırma edatları kullanılırken aynı zamanda sıfatlar da ekler alır.

Eğer bir üstünlük anlatılmak isteniyorsa sıfatın sonuna “- est” takısı gelir. Üstünlük anlatan yapılarda ayrıca “the most / the least” yani “en çok / en az” kalıpları da sıfatların önlerine getirilerek yapı tamamlanabilir. Hangi sıfatlarla “-est” hangileri ile “the most / the least” kullanılacağına dair kesin bir kural bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, tek veya iki heceli sıfatlar daha çok “-est” takısı ile kullanılırken, çok hecelilerde diğer alternatif kullanılır.

Bir karşılaştırma söz konusu ise sıfat “-er” ekini alır. Bu ekler çoğu sıfatla kullanılan kurallı eklerdir. Üstünlük belirten kalıplardakine benzer bir şekilde genellikle çok heceli sıfatlar bir takı almadan “more” sözcüğü ile birlikte kullanılarak karşılaştırma kalıplarında yer alırlar. “Good” ve “bad” gibi bazı sıfatların kullanımları kural dışıdır (good-better-best; bad-worse-worst).

A Look At The Language Of Restaurants

Bir restoranın tanıtımıyla başlayarak, bir restoranda kullanılabilecek cümle kalıplarından örnekler verilmektedir.

Bir restoran tanıtımında cuisine, atmosphere, dress code, owner ve hours gibi bilgilere yer verilmelidir.

Bir restoranda kullanılan olası konuşma kalıplarından örnekler aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Booking at a restaurant (Customer : )

“I would like to reserve a table for 4.”

“I would like to reserve a table for 4.”

“I am calling to reserve a table for a party of 6 for tonight.”

“Tomorrow night/This weekend/Next Monday/ On June 4th etc.”

“I would like a table by the seaside please.”

“We would prefer a quiet table.”

“Is there a dress code?”

(Maitre D’ : )

“…… Restaurant. How can I help you?”

“When would you like to come?”

“What time?”

“How many will be in your party?”

“What name will the reservation be under?”

“Is there any table place you would like?”

“We are very casual/formal.”

  • Ordering at a restaurant (Customer : )

“Can/Could we see the menu?”

“Can we have a couple more minutes?”

“What would you recommend?”

“Do you have any specials to recommend?”

“What is (Ali Nazik) on the menu?”

“Is there a dress code?”

“I am a vegetarian.”

“I would like to have soup for starters.”

“I would like a stake.”

“I’d like spaghetti.”

“How long would it take?”

“That will be all, thank you.”

“Nothing else for me, thank you.”

(Waiter : )

“Can I get you anything while you make your decision?”

“Would you care for something to drink?”

“Are you ready to order?”

“It is a kind of meat/fish/cold dish.”

“It is a Turkish specialty.”

“You have a choice of rice or potatoes with your meat.”

“Would you care for a salad?”

“It takes about 20 minutes to prepare.”

“What would you like to drink?”

“May/Can I get you anything else?”

“Will that be all?”

“I will bring your starters right away.”

  • During the meal (Customer : )

“Can we have some more bread/water please?”

“I need another spoon please.”

“Do you have any desserts?”

“Can we see the menu for desserts?”

“I cannot find the salt and pepper.”

“Just coffee, please.”

“Thank you, everything was fine.”

“Everything tasted great.”

“Can I have this wrapped to go, please?”

(Waiter : )

“Excuse me; here is your soup/stake/etc.”

“Enjoy your meal.” “I’ll bring another one right away.”

“Would you like any dessert?”

“Was everything all right?”

“Was everything to your liking?”

“I hope you enjoyed your meal.”

  • Paying the bill (Customer : )

“May we have the check please?”

“Can I have the check, please?”

“Do you take credit cards?”

“We would like to have separate checks, please.”

(Waiter : )

“Here is your check, sir.”

“You can use your credit card.”

“Thank you. We hope you come back to see us.”

  • Complaints in a restaurant (Customer : )

“I have asked for a table by the seaside, why are we given this one in the middle of the restaurant.”

“This table is very noisy. We would prefer a quiet corner please.”

“The table is too close to the kitchen (toilets).”

“Sorry, my soup is very cold.”

“Excuse me, but we have ordered our food half an hour ago.”

“I did not want pilav with my meat but ordered potatoes.”

“Waiter, my meat is undercooked.”

  • How to respond to complaints (Waiter : )

“I will see what I can do sir.”

“I am very sorry about the inconvenience.”

“I am very sorry sir. I will exchange it right away.”

“The cook must have misunderstood the order. I will replace your plate right away.”

“I will see to it that you get your food right away.”

  • Phrases commonly used in restaurants

Please wait to be seated


Service included

Service not included

Special of the day

  • What is listed in the menu?

Starters or Meze / Appetizers





Dessert menu comes separately.

Trouble Shooting

Bir lokantada oluşan sıkıntılı bir durumu anlatan bir diyalog ele alınmaktadır. Diyalogda özetle; iki gün önce rezervasyon yaptıran bir müşterinin rezervasyonunun restoran kayıtlarında görünmemesi ile ilgili yaşanan sıkıntılı bir durum ve aranan çözüm yolu konu edilmektedir.

Useful Information

Farklı lokanta ve restoran türlerinden örnekler aşağıdaki gibidir:

Bakery is a type of restaurant that sells bread, cakes, cookies etc. Some bakeries may have a small section where they serve their baked goods and tea or coffee.

Buffet is a restaurant where the customers serve themselves-self service. They can choose their food from a buffet that has different kinds of food. The customers may pay a fix price for all the food they eat.

Café is used for places that sell coffee. But some cafés may also serve hot or cold sandwiches or simple food like pasta or pizza.

Cafeteria is almost like a buffet. The customers take a tray, choose their own food, and pay at the end of the line. Most cafeterias are seen in schools or large organizations that offer food like factories.

Chuck wago n is a unique type of a small restaurant. Chuck wagons were used to carry food on the train in the United States. They serve western type of big breakfasts, lunches or dinners.

Coffee House is like a café specializing on coffee.

Concession Stand is the name given to a place where customers can buy simple foods like ice cream, hotdogs and simple drinks at the cinema, stadium or fairs.

Delicatessen restaurant means fine food in its word meaning. The organizations that sell specially prepared food are called delicatessens. Most delicatessens sell cold meats, cheese and dishes like potato salad.

Dining car is basically a restaurant that serves food on a wagon in train.

Drive-In i s a US invention. The customers sit in their cars and order their meals.

Drive-Thru is a type of restaurant or eatery that serves food to its customers in their cars so that they can drive away quickly. It is a kind of fast food organization.

Fast food restaurant is a special type of restaurant. The menu is limited and the food is pre-prepared. Customers spend minimum amount of time in these restaurants.

Food Court is the section in a shopping center, university, or airports that has different types of eateries.

Pub is a kind of eatery that exists in Britain, Ireland or Australia. Customers can get alcoholic drinks and some basic types of food.

Revolving Restaurant is a restaurant that turns around 360 degrees. Customers get a panoramic view. They are located at the top of very high buildings.

Soup Kitchen is a general name given to a place where food is given free of charge or at a very very low price. They are organized in low-income areas and soup is not the only food they serve.

Steakhouse is a restaurant that serves meat and specializes in meat. They usually become specialized in steak. They are very much like Turkish ‘Kebapçı’.

Tearoom is a special kind of restaurant that serves cakes and pastries with tea.

Trattoria is informal Italian restaurant that serves Italian food in a cozy, homey atmosphere.

Theme Restaurants are restaurants that use unusual themes for decoration and serve food parallel to these themes.

Vocabulary – Sözcükler

Restoran ve yemek ile ilgili bazı terimler; türleri ve açıklamalarıyla birlikte aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • How to dress?

Dress code: Rules that tell us how we should dress when we go to a place: Casual comfortable clothes can be worn in informal situations, formal conservative style clothes worn in official situations.

  • Words used to describe food

Fresh food (adj): recently made or prepared food

Ripe (adj): ready to eat

Rotten (adj): food that is bad

Tough (adj): food, meat that is difficult to eat and cut

Undercooked (adj): food that is not cooked well enough

Overcooked (adj): food that is cooked too much

  • How do we prepare food - meat and eggs

Bake (v): cooking food in an oven-e.g. bread

Boil (v): cooking food in boiling water-e.g. pasta

Dilute (v): to make liquids less strong by adding water

Fry (v): cooking food in hot oil

Grill (v): cooking food over a fire mostly meat

Roast (v): cooking meat or vegetables in an oven

  • Meat

Rare (adj): meat that is grilled for a short time, red inside

Medium rare (adj): meat that is grilled longer time less red inside

Medium (adj): meat that is grilled for a moderate amount of time

Well-done (adj): meat that is grilled until it is cooked inside

  • Eggs

Boiled (adj): eggs boiled in hot water with their shells-soft boiled eggs are soft, hard boiled eggs are hard inside

Scrambled (adj): eggs that are mixed while cooking

Sunny side-up (adj): an egg that is broken in a pen with its yellow center on the top Poached (adj): eggs boiled in hot water without their shells

Over-easy (adj): an eggs that is broken in a pen its yellow side turned over after a while

  • How does food taste?

Bitter (adj): a sharp, non sweet taste

Bland (adj): food that does not taste interesting, neither good or bad

Crunchy (adj): food that makes noise when we chew e.g corn flakes

Hot (adj):

1. Food served in high temperature;

2. Food with a lot of spice

Rich (adj): food that has many calories

Salty (adj): food that contains a lot of salt

Sour (adj): food that has taste like lemon

Spicy (adj): food that has spices

Sweet (adj): food with sugar

Tasteless (adj): food with not taste

  • Words describing Eating and Drinking

Bite (v): using our teeth to cut food in order to each

Chew (v): using our teeth to bite food in our mouths

Swallow (v): sending food or drink from our mouth to our stomach

Sip (v): to drink something in small amounts

  • Words to describe the taste of food

Delicious (adj): food that tastes really good, or a nice smell

Disgusting (adj): food tastes very unpleasant

Awful (adj): food that tastes bad

Good (adj): food that tastes pleasant

Tasty (adj): food that leave a nice taste in the mouth

Yummy (adj): food that tastes good, this is a term used mostly by children

Yucky (adj): food that tastes bad or disgusting, this is a term used mostly by children

  • Words used by customers to describe themselves

Full (v): to eat a lot

Vegetarian (n): someone who does not eat meat

  • Who works or comes to in a restaurant?

Busboy (n): a boy or man who cleans dirty plates and glasses from the table

Dishwasher (n): someone who washes dishes

Headwaiter (n): the most senior waiter in a restaurant

Host/Hostess (n): a man or a woman who welcomes customers and leads them to their table

Maître d’(n): the person who is the head of all waiters

Patron (n): customers in a restaurant

Server (n): a waiter

Waiter/waitress (n): a man or a woman who serves food to the tables

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